My background is in Classical Music, specifically violin performance. Through music I have had opportunities to travel the world, collaborate across continents and lead orchestras. As a performer and teacher I have learned to communicate, creatively problem solve, and present my work in both intimate and spacious settings. My passion for communicating in a non-verbal way helps navigate me as a UX Designer and my interest in creative problem solving reminds me that even ridiculous solutions can lead to new discoveries. When performing I love to introduce a work before I begin to help the listeners listen actively and I want users to have the same sense of active exploration and wonder when they use my designs.
When not designing or playing music I enjoy walking my dog around the streets of San Francisco, admiring the architecture and then attempting to recreate it in the Sims. During lockdown I spent a lot of time contemplating various ways to suspend items from the ceiling in order to maximize space and coaxing my plants to creep across walls in order to turn my home into a jungle.